Welcome to bang for bucks. So you might be wondering right now, what the shxxxt is this yet another blog for?
I was never a fan of blogger, and I shunned blogging like irritating pests. Too many blogspots around on the market these days, telling us of blah blah's lives, photos of their travels, photos of their dinner/lunch/dessert-which-i-have-not-the-luxury-of-spending-on.
So, I was walking home, when I came across a theory. A very simple theory on becoming a billionaire. Why a billionaire? My teachers always say: aim high - aim for a grade A. When you receive your actual results, getting a B is not so bad either.
What she said was partially right. At least you've passed - not a C, nor a D. Getting grade B is good enough to get you through in life. A would be even better.
Summing in, if I aim to be a billionaire, would I become a millionaire instead?
I came across many theories of my own, while walking back from work, taking the bus, the train.... Wait! Why am I still taking the bus? Shouldn't it be the time I make my own moves and have my own car?
Yes I did. Hence this blog. (hint hint check out the adsense on the right ;D). I still have many more strategies up my sleeves, so I would like to share them with you - what does not work for me, might work for u.
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