Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Facts you didn't know about Bill Gates

Yes, all do know Bill Gates, don't we? Do you know how did he become successful?

What we might have heard of and perceive of Bill Gates:
  • Wrote and sold his own software
  • Dropped out of school, did not finish his studies.
  • Made it big on his own.
  • Started his own company from scratch.
  • Many people started buy his own software, DOS

Even the world's richest man did not even complete his university studies! It makes sense for us all to drop out of school, and start our own company writing our own software now? 

Before you even do that, read up the facts first about Bill Gates:
  1. Bill Gates got into Harvard.
  2. He scored 1590 out of 1600 for SAT.
  3. In school, he solved the Pancake Problem, which was supposedly to be an unsolved algorithm for the past thirty years.
  4. He came from an upper class family who could give him financial support, if needed.
  5. His friend Allen helped him as CEO. Teamwork!
  6. He started writing software programs when he was young -  at a time when programming language barely existed. Because of this, he was the only person in his field to have mastered the central processing unit.
  7. He was able to build advanced software code that IBM PC would later buy from.
  8. He started out working as an employee, building programs for a small company.
  9. He founded Micro-soft, which had a few staff. He oversee every single line of code before shipping.
  10. He was in control of his staff and business.

What can we learn

No, you cannot be a school dropout and become a millionaire just because you dropped out of school. heh.
  1. Learning starts from young.
    You might be good at something since childhood. It could be your talent, it could be not. Whatever it is, you would have mastered this ability by now. Put it to your advantage.
  2. Unless you are a genius, work hard.
    If you could come up with your own theory of relativity, you could have came up with everything else. Otherwise, hard work and sweat can IS the substitute for intelligence, by practice and nothing but practice. Nothing gets better than to taste the fruit of your success.
  3. Come up with The Plan
    Once you've acquired a skill, put it into profitable use. Say you love gardening, and you know flowers like your closest sister. Do gardening for people! Horticulture for income, why not?
  4. Think of ways on how you can contribute
    Think - how can your skills be put to profitable use in multiple ways. Bill Gates wrote software not only for IBM PCs, he saw that the same codes can be reusable and sold to other companies as well, and he went to copyright the program.
  5. Luck
    Bill Gates was born at the right time, and he was a smartie to capitalize on that. Even so, opportunities are everywhere, but sometimes we need to luck to discover the golden opportunity. Now is a time of digital media fanfare... and I wish you all the best in finding that door which may open to you abundant opportunities. Steve Jobs saw this coming probably.

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